System Of A Down

Alternative Metal, Rock

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Если вам понравилась песня System Of A Down Hypnotize - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Hypnotize - System Of A Down

Why don't you ask the kids at Tiananmen Square
Cause fasion, the reason why they were there
They disguize it hypnotize it, television made you buy it
I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my
She's scared that I will take her away from there
Dreams that our country left with no one there
Mezmorise the simple mind and propaganda leaves us blinded
I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl
I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl
I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl
I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl
I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl

Тексты песен других исполнителей

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