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Если вам понравилась песня Kreator Dying victims - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Dying victims - Kreator

Creeping trough the shadows as the war of death begins
No one ever saw before the destruction that he brings
He is the destroyer all he gives is fear and pain
When your body is dead he's gonna make you scream again

Scream for your life no one can hear you
Scream for your god he is dead
Creep across the fields all you can see
Are dying victims

Now he is over you you feel his cold breath in your back
The axe is shining in his hand he's ready to attack
Now you feel the hand of death is coming over you
The invader has split your head in two

Sounds of battle sounds of death sounds of hellish pain 

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