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Если вам понравилась песня Kreator Take their lives - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Take their lives - Kreator

Living your live in endless frustration
Everyday you get nervous and teased
You think about your youth with sex and pleasure
Now the times have changed the blood you bleed

Living a destructed
Change it before you die
Take what you don't need to betray
Your end is nearerthan you think you know
You can't survive
Take their lives, don't wait another day
Take their lives

Normal man of the civilisation
Is that what you wanted to be?
You know the deadly force in your vains
And tonight you set the power free


Take them into the cellar, be sure that they can't scream
They have taken all the best years of your life
You don't feed no mercy as you locked them on the chains
You don't care about your children's cries 

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