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Если вам понравилась песня Kreator Storming with menace - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Storming with menace - Kreator

A black cloud hangs over your existence
All of your thoughts dismal and gray
The end of compassion lies in the distance
Your future only falseness and dismay

Storming with menace
Falsehood rules their brains
Storming with menace
Lies Hate and Dismay
Storming with menace
Hatred grows in me
Storming with menace
It rules them, you will see

You are taught to storm through barricades
Breaking down walls, leaving ruins behind
Your victims cannot be sure of their future
Confused and terrorised are their minds

Storming with menace
Falsehood rules their brains
Storming with menace
Lies Hate and Dismay
Storming with menace
Hatred grows in me
Storming with menace
It rules them, you will see


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