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Если вам понравилась песня Kreator Pandemonium - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Pandemonium - Kreator

Pandemonium all around
Can't you fell it coming down
Pandemonium in my brain
Over and over and over again
Over and over and over again
Over and over and over again
Over and over and over again

And now you know the answer
And now you see the truth
Swallow this bitter pill
As all religion dies for you
and all the things that happened
In all those times long gone
Gave birth to life like lies
Apocalyptic pandemonium

Pandemonium in the air
god has left us in despair
Desperate could not stand the pain
Over and over and over again
Over and over and over again
Over and over and over again
Over and over and over again

Now that your world is buring
Now that it ends in tears
Inferno has arrived
Nothing can make it disappear
And all the things that happened
In all those times long gone
Gave birth to life likes lies 

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