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Если вам понравилась песня Kreator Trauma - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Trauma - Kreator

Passing of perception unforseen reaction
Staring out the window into the ice cold air
Memories of summer causing my depression
Through concentrated death and rainfall of despair
Visionary eden turns to hell

Winter martyrium
Freezing me from inside
Pastlife delirium
As my tears turn to ice

Snow the white empress, frost the ice cold forest
At mountains of dead bodies I drank the sweetest wine
Spring awaits lust for the autumn dominatress
Life remains a dream within a dream visionary symbols
ancient shine

Summer's gotta come bringing back the sun
Zero to none, winter awaits us all
Mystic awareness

With God conversing wide awake in your sleep
Shining discovery mankind martyrium 

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