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Если вам понравилась песня Beyonce Rise Up - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Rise Up - Beyonce

I’ll make you know that
When you need to take my hand
Come into my arms
I'll keep you safe from harm
I'll keep your precious heart

Some people try to tear me down
They can come each stand and be proud
You're a warrior
You're my warrior

Be who you are
Be who you are know that's life
Embark in what you see
Rise up to the wind and I will
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Fight for you and me
Look into my eyes and believe
We are one we will fight we will fight
We are one we will fight we will rise
I see you and me
Take my hand and believe
We will stand we will fight we will fight
We will stand and together we will rise 

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