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Если вам понравилась песня Violent Femmes Children of the Revolution - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Children of the Revolution - Violent Femmes

You can bump and grind.
Have a good time.
You can twist and shout.
Let it all hang out,
but you won't fool the children of the revolution.
No you won't fool the children of the revolution.

You can tell a plane, in the falling rain.
I gotta rolls royce,
cause its good for my voice,
but you won't fool the children of the revolution.
No you won't fool the children of the revolution.

You can bump and grind.
Feeling fine.
You can twist and shout.
Knock yourself out, but you won't fool the children of the revolution.
No you won't fool the children of the revolution.
No you can't fool the children of the revolution.
No you won't fool the children of the revolution.
No you can't fool the children of the revolution.
No you won't fool the children of the revolution. 

Слова песни Children of the Revolution - Violent Femmes.
Children of the RevolutionViolent Femmes

Тексты песен других исполнителей

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