Violent Femmes

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Если вам понравилась песня Violent Femmes Gone Daddy Gone - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Gone Daddy Gone - Violent Femmes

Beautiful girl lovely dress
high school smiles oh yes
beautiful girl lovely dress
where she is now I can only guess
cause it's gone daddy gone
your love is gone
gone daddy gone
the love is gone away
when I see you
eyes will turn blue
when I see you
thousand eyes turnin blue
tell by the way you that you switch and walk
I can see by the way that you baby talk
I can know by the way you treat your man
I can love you baby til it's a cryin
beatiful girl lovely dress
15 smiles oh yes
beautiful girl lovely dress
where she is now I can only guess

Gordon Gano: Guitar, Violin, Lead Vocal
Brian Ritchie: Xylophone, Electric Bass
Victor Delorenzo: Snare Drum and Trancephone,  

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