Violent Femmes

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Если вам понравилась песня Violent Femmes I Danced - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни I Danced - Violent Femmes

I danced before I had two feet.
Sang before I had a tongue.
I laughed before I had two eyes.
Loved before my heart was young.
I swam before I had two hands
and held the distance in my toes.
Before I heard the stars I knew
the wild compulsion of the rose.
I bore the fruits of many lies.
Before I came into this day.
I knew before my grave was made,
the worms eat only death away
the worms eat only death away
I danced before I had two feet
I danced before I had two feet
I danced before I had two feet
I danced before I had two feet.

Gordon Gano: Vocals, Guitar
Brian Ritchie: Acoustic Bass Guitar, Vocals, Guitar Solo 

Тексты песен других исполнителей

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