Violent Femmes

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Если вам понравилась песня Violent Femmes Prove My Love - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Prove My Love - Violent Femmes

Just last night
I was reminded of
just how bad
it had gotten and
just how sick
I had become
but it could change
with this relationship
de-de range
we've all been thru some shit
and if were a thing
I think this things begun
tell me now
what do I have to do
to prove my love to you
special favors come in 31 flavors
were out of mints
pass the life savers
I'm droppin hints
candy for candy-coated tongue
you'd be so good
so very good for me
what do you think
tell me honestly
I'm wait wait wait
w-wait wait
waiting for you to come
tell me now
what do I have to do
to prove my love to you
I'd do anything
I'd do it all
I'd do it all for you  

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