Violent Femmes

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Полный текст песни This Island Life - Violent Femmes

This tea's too strong for me
As I await your company
I had too much sun today
Ocean waters wash away
Nothing but the present
Presenting its presence
This island life
Separate my right from my wrong
No I am not pagan
But my heart has been forsaken
And the hand of God was on my mind
It took some time from time to time
Now in the course I know
Time itself will go when
This island life
Separates my right from my wrong
You forgot your shoes and I
I have sent a message but I
There's so many stars in the sky
It's the truths that will not lie
There's a you wild native maiden
Running mad and barefoot to the sea until
This island life
Separates my rights from my wrongs
This island life
Finally separates my right from my wrong
This tea's too strong for me
As I await more company
I had too much sun today
Dram of lands lying far away
Pregnant with the present
Presenting its presents 

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