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Если вам понравилась песня Sia Judge Me - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Judge Me - Sia

Judge me feel free
Cos the freer you feel
The freer you'll let me be

It's such a terrible terrible shame
You keep on judging me, in his name
You're so quick to shift the focus
Cos you can find yourself
In today's frame
But I know he's approve
And I've nothing to prove to you
He smiles down on me lovingly

Just me feel free
Cos the freer you feel
The freer you'll let me be

It's truly sad to see
You suffering so immensely
You need distracting
So you use me conveniently
But I know he'd approve
And I've nothing to prove to you
He smiles down on me lovingly. 

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