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Если вам понравилась песня Sia Moon - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Moon - Sia

I watch you spin from afar
I drink you in and breath you out
I'm camouflaged by the timeline
I'm camouflaged when the sun shines

Two ships passing in the night
Two lips pressing ground the tides

I believe the world it spins for you
We wil never be, I am the moon

I believe the world it spins for you
We wil never be, I am the moon

I long to be a part
I isolate my heart
You've drawn me into your world
Now I too spin limbless

One hand clapping, where's the wind
I stand spanning at your distant wings

I believe the world it spins for you
We wil never be, I am the moon

I believe the world it spins for you
We wil never be, I am the moon

I believe the world it spins for you
We wil never be, I am the moon 

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