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Если вам понравилась песня Pulp Babies - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Babies - Pulp

Well it happened years ago when you lived on Stanhope Road. We
listened to your sister when she came home from school 'cos she was
two years older and she had boys in her room. We listened outside and
heard her. Alright. Well that was alright for a while but soon I wanted
more. I want to see as well as hear and so I hid inside her wardrobe.
And she came round four and she was with some kid called David from
the garage up the road I listened outside I heard her. Alright. Oh I want
to take you home. I want to give you children. You might be my
girlfriend, yeah. When I saw you next day I really couldn't tell 'cos you
might go and tell your mother. And so you went with Neve and Neve
was coming on and I thought I heard you laughing when his Mum and
Dad were gone. I listened outside, I heard you. Alright. Oh I want to 

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