The Courteeners

Indie Rock, Rock

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Полный текст песни If It Wasn't For Me - The Courteeners

Everyones saying that your here for me,
But your here for them,
If wasn't for me, if it wasn't for me,
You wouldn't even know them.

You move in your own circles,
For a brand new squeeze.
For an average girl with bad teeth,
Who you'd do anything to please.
It makes me cringe, I'd like to stick a syringe in your arm,
Just to sedate you, then berate you,
Trying to make you stay clear from harm.

If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't know them,
If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't know them,
If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't know them.

Everyone's been saying that your here for me,
That's rubbish your here for them,
It wasn't for me, if wasn't for me,
You wouldn't even know them.

You move in your own circles,
'What for?' for a brand new squeeze.
For an average girl with bad teeth,
Who you'd do anything to please.
It makes me cringe, I'd like to stick a syringe in your arm,
Just to sedate you, then berate you,
Trying to make you stay clear from harm.

If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't know them,
If it wasn't for me then you would not know them,
If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't know them,

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