The Courteeners

Indie Rock, Rock

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Полный текст песни Kings Of The New Road - The Courteeners

I loved you, I still do,
I probably always will do.
I left home and then phoned to see if you like to dance.

A memory of you and me,
Nobody else ever has to see.
I loved you, I still do,
I probably always will do.

I loved you, I still do,
I probably always will do.
A lift home we argue I tell you to get to France, a memory you and me are never gonna let anybody else see. I loved you, I still do,
I probably always will do.

The Kings of the New Road never do what they're told.
The Kings of the New Road never do what they're told.

The Kings of the New Road never do what they're told.
The Kings of the New Road never do what they are told.  

Тексты песен других исполнителей

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