Blake Shelton


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Полный текст песни Green - Blake Shelton

Look out!

People used to call me backwards,
Living out here with the tractors,
Letting this world leave me behind.
Nowadays I'm an innovator
I'm a country boy prognosticator
I'm a man ahead of my times

I've got a hundred acre farm
I've got a John Deere in my barn
I've got a garden in my yard, full of corn, peas and beans
I've got a guitar I play unplugged
I've got a home-grown girl I love,
And when the summer time hits, we skinny dip in the stream
I was green before green was a thing

Sheets on the clothes line drying
Red Tail hawks a flying
A couple of deer on the timber line
And I know a lot more about cane pole fishing
then I ever will know about carbon emission
And my little corner of the world is doing just fine

I've got a hundred acre farm
I've got a John Deere in my barn
I've got a garden in my yard, full of corn, peas and beans
I've got a guitar I play unplugged
I've got a home-grown girl I love,
And when the summer time hits, we skinny dip in the stream
I was green before green was a thing

Yeah, I've got a hundred acre farm
I've got a John Deere in my barn
I've got a garden in my yard, full of root baked potatoes and greens
I've got a guitar I play unplugged
I've got a home-grown girl I love,
And when the summer time hits, we skinny dip in the stream
I was green before green was a thing
I was green before green was a thing

Oh yeah. 

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