Blake Shelton


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Полный текст песни Over - Blake Shelton

If I could, I would dare
Feed your dreams and starve your fears
If I could, light the world
We could sit, and watch it burn
We could fall asleep inside the glow

So tell me what I gotta do to win you over
You'll never have to wonder if you need another
You'll never have to wonder if I understand
And every time you reach for me you'll find a hand out, oh

If I could, take you in
Feeling you deep, beneath my skin
Then I could, slip away
With you as a poison in my veins
I don't wanna fall asleep alone
And wake up knowing that I died without the one

So tell me what I gotta do to win you over
You'll never have to wonder if you need another
You'll never have to wonder if I understand
And every time you reach for me you'll find a hand out, oh

If I could, I would dare
Feed your dreams, and starve your fears... 

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