Blake Shelton


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Если вам понравилась песня Blake Shelton Red River Blue - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Red River Blue - Blake Shelton

On the Oklahoma shore of that old red river
I stand right here and curse my pride.
That river runs deep
That current is strong
And the woman I love is on the other side.
How did the love we made together
Break apart and drift away
Leave me lost and lonely
On this crimson bank

Red River Blue
God pull me through
I'd walk through fire if that bridge hadn't burned in two
Texoma sky
Tears in my eyes
She said goodbye and now I'm red river blue

They say everything is bigger
Under that Texas moon
I'll bet my right hand you won't find a bigger fool
She's probably smiling somewhere tonight
In someone else's arms
I'm here dragging the muddy bottom
For pieces of my heart

Red River Blue
God pull me through
I'd walk through fire if that bridge hadn't burned in two
Texoma sky
Tears in my eyes
She said goodbye and now I'm red river blue
She said goodbye and now I'm red river blue 

Тексты песен других исполнителей

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