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Если вам понравилась песня Kreator Gods Of Violence - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Gods Of Violence - Kreator

We shall kill, we shall kill, we shall kill, we shall kill

 Rise god of violence in immortal majesty

 The forces of separatists to arms

 Malicious titans and the fear their words can breed

 The one commandment echoes forth as clouds of drones attack

 We shall kill, we shall kill, we shall kill, we shall kill

 Rise of usurpers, indestructible regimes

 And in times of war destroyers of hope

 Kings of the earth inject the core of the doctrine

 Conflict yield to degradate the strongest minds of all

 We shall kill, all as one

 We shall kill, these battles can be won

 We shall kill until we die

 As the gods of violence

 Gods of violence

 Gods of violence come alive

 We shall kill, all as one

 We shall kill, these battles can be won

 We shall kill until we die

 As the gods of violence

 Gods of violence

 Gods of violence come alive

 Dehumanizing killing spree, supported by technology

 Women, children everyone will die

 Praying there must come a day, the spark of peace enflames again

 Heaven through the world into their lives

 Protectors of the masterplan, waken darker sides of men

 Instigate the war for all to see

 Collateral damage in their name posse of luciferian

 Commanders of satanic liberty liberty

 We shall kill, we shall kill, we shall kill, we shall kill

 We shall kill, we shall kill, we shall kill, we shall kill

 We shall kill, all as one

 We shall kill, these battles can be won

 We shall kill until we die

 As the gods of violence

 Gods of violence

 Gods of violence come alive

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