Katy Perry


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Если вам понравилась песня Katy Perry Into Me You See - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни Into Me You See - Katy Perry

I built a wall so high no one could reach

A life of locks

I swallowed all the keys

I was petrified

Only knew how to hide

They can't hurt me if they don't know me

A full facade made a mirage outta me

Then you came and started digging for a treasure underneath

And you found a better version of me I had never seen

Into me, you see

Into me, you see

You broke me wide open

Open sesame

Into me, you'll see

Into me, you'll see

You bend me wide open

Now I'm ready

Is this intimacy?

I was a ship floating aimlessly

So camouflage

Was my own worst enemy

Then you came in like a sailor with a heart that anchored me

And every day, I wake up grateful I'm no longer lost at sea

Into me, you see

Into me, you see

You broke me wide open

Open sesame

Into me, you'll see

Into me, you'll see

You got me wide open

Now I'm ready

Is this intimacy?

Oh, 'cause no one's ever seen me like this

Seen right through the bullshit

I pray that I can keep unfolding

Pray that I can just stay open

Just stay open, just stay open, just stay open

Oh, 'cause you broke me wide open

Open sesame

Into me, you'll see

Into me, you'll see

You got me wide open

And now I'm ready

This is intimacy

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