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Если вам понравилась песня Suede The living dead - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни The living dead - Suede

If I was the wife of an acrobat...
Could of had it all...Could of had it all...

Where's all the money gone? - I'm talking to you,
All up the whole in your arm,
is the needle a much better screw?
But oh, what will you do alone? Cos I have to go.
Where is this life of fun that you promised me?
Nothing here works but your works and I mean it
I have to leave
But oh, what will you do alone? Cos I have to go.
If I was the wife of an acrobat would I look like the living dead, boy?
You're on the wire and can't get back,Let's talk about the living dead 

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