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Если вам понравилась песня Suede She's in fashion - текст и перевод обязательны для ознакомления!

Полный текст песни She's in fashion - Suede

he's the face on the radio
She's the body on the morning show
She's there shaking it out on the scene
And she's the colour of a magazine


And she's in fashion
Ouh Ouh Ouh
And she's in fashion
Ouh Ouh Ouh

She's employed where the sun don't set
And she's the shape of a cigarette
And she's the shake of a tambourine
And she's the colour of a magazine



Ah Ah
And if she tells you two is one
Then two is one my love
Ah Ah
And if she tells you you should know
Then you should know my love

She is strung out on a TV dream
And she's the taste of the gasoline
And she's as similar as you can get
To the shape of a cigarette


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