James Arthur


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Полный текст песни Supposed - James Arthur

I should’ve known better
Than to ever
Look to heaven questioning
Whether I’ve found it
Put it up, sounded
Better than it looked
Now I’m your friend
Yea, yea
I’m stuck in this dead end

And all these words, they come too late
You could never compensate
For this pain oh

I should’ve said it all when I was close to you
I should’ve said it all when I was close to you
Like I was supposed to do
Like I was supposed to do

I should’ve known better than to be pacified
Now you just pass me by
I’m stumbling through this life like a man with no sight
No sight
Yea, oh
Like a man that lost his fight

And all these words, they come too late
You could never compensate
For this pain

I should’ve said it all when I was close to you
I should’ve said it all when I was close to you
Like I was supposed to do
Like I was supposed to do

It’s too late
The hands of fate
Oh the hands of fate yea
Just won’t wait
No, it just won’t wait
No, it just won’t wait
Help me change
Help me change, help me change
It’s too late
The hands of fate
Just won’t wait
No, it just won’t wait
No, it just won’t wait
Help me change
Help me change, help me change

(Chorus x2)
I should’ve said it all when I was close to you
I should’ve said it all when I was close to you
Like I was supposed to do
Like I was supposed to do

Oh like I was supposed to do 

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